Thursday, July 29, 2010


This wedding is seriously getting the best of me.

Frank came home from work yesterday and found me curled up in a ball on our bed sobbing.

I thought I found an invitation that I really loved and it had all the matching stuff.

I'm second guessing myself.

Do I go with fun and whimsy or classic and elegant?

I'm afraid I'll get something and look back on it in 20 years and hate myself for just going with a trend. I want something that is modern, but not too modern.

Is black and white damask with a small cranberry border something that will stand the test of time?

And, I also need registry help! Go here and leave me some words of advice!


  1. The best advice I can give you is that as long as you like your wedding then nothing else matters. You can't think about what if in 20 years because obviously the trends are going to change in 20 years. Just go with your first instinct and remember the most important thing is that you are marrying the love of your life and as long as he is there everything else will seem unnecessary.

  2. I think the black and white damask sounds beautiful AND timeless!

  3. I always say, go with your first instinct.

  4. I love the sound of the damask with cranberry!
    So amazing! I cried over my save the dates, My fiance thought I was crazy. They are all fixed now, but I had a total meltdown.

    BTW, I just found your blog, and I LOVE IT! I just can't get enough of reading about military engagements!

  5. I'm going to agree with a previous comment - go with what you love. Even if it is dated in 20 years, if you love it, who cares? But if you go with something that is timeless that you don't love, you might regret it later on. Follow your heart. :)

    Also, I just started following you! I grew up in Jacksonville when my dad was stationed at Camp Lejeune! Congrats on the engagement!

  6. thats a tough one. I haven't picked ours yet. I did find some really nice save the dates at an online company. It's called Wedding Paper Divas.

    ps you have to change your background so that we can read your text

  7. Classic and elegant sounds good to me. Good luck with everything, remember to breathe.

  8. Go with what you love now. Sure your tastes will change in 20 years, but the things you loved about your wedding never will.

  9. Hope the wedding turned out awesome:)

  10. I felt overwhelmed too in the early stages of the wedding planning that I was sick for a week. Do what makes you and hubby happy and don't worry about trends or anything like that:-) good luck!

  11. Follow your instinct!
    Only those who can see the invisible can achieve the impossible! ;D
